Always guaranteeing the necessary level of professional expertise, Studio Trevisan translates a wide range of materials, from press releases to patents, and from technical manuals to financial statements, and from Internet sites to contracts, as well as providing simultaneous translation for conferences and meetings.

The continued efforts in the training of our internal staff also allowed us to develop technical English courses for industrial enterprises or specialized communication companies wishing to broaden and strengthen the language skills of their employees.

For information on our rates, and on the languages and specific fields covered by our services, please contact our  translation manager



·         Translation of financial and legal documents, contracts and tenders, technical manuals

·         Editorial translations and services (press releases, technical articles, web pages)

·         Simultaneous translation services for international conferences and meetings

·         Transcription service for the publication of conference proceedings

·         Sworn/legally certified translations of all types

·         Technical English courses

·         Multimedia services 




Italian, English, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, Greek, Bulgarian, Romanian, Hungarian, Czech, Slovak, Slovene, Polish, Serbian, Croatian, Ukrainian, Russian, Lithuanian, Latvian, Estonian, Finnish, Swedish, Danish, Norwegian, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, and many others.


Ensuring affordability

Each client has his own specific needs. For some, for example, it is important to cut costs but without foregoing a certain level of quality. To make our translation services even more accessible to such clients we have created special "light" rates starting from  13,00  €  a page.

For information on our rates, and on languages and specific fields, please contact our  translation manager.

Via Cairoli, 32   -   27029  Vigevano (PV)   -   C.F. e P.IVA  02420780187   -    Iscr. REA:  PV-271002