Studio Trevisan has all the human resources, know-how, material and technical infrastructures needed to deliver even the most complex projects, from multilingual websites to international conferences with all the relative support services.

Over the years, we have also created over a hundred specialist dictionaries and glossaries, in electronic format, so as to guarantee absolutely correct and consistent use of terminology between projects and between clients. We also keep a full archive of work commissioned by individual clients over time, so as to keep costs down and ensure uniformity of terminology and style.

Thanks to modern information technology and efficient coordination of our internal and external human resources we are able to guarantee the flexibility and speed necessary to handle the most challenging projects, also in terms of volumes.


Studio Trevisan operates in compliance with the UNI 10574 and EN 15038 standards and also meets the criteria used to select suppliers of translation services to EU institutions. Among other things, these standards and criteria demand the presence of a graduate project manager who must also have all the necessary professional qualifications.

The monitoring procedures adopted in all the preparation and execution stages of our services constitute a guarantee of high quality.

All this while guaranteeing the utmost confidentiality and discretion.

Via Cairoli, 32   -   27029  Vigevano (PV)   -   C.F. e P.IVA  02420780187   -    Iscr. REA:  PV-271002