Studio Trevisan has long experience working with various Italian and international communications specialists, supplying them with highly rated translation and editing services in Italian and many other languages.

n view of the ever-expanding horizons of multimedia communication, we have recently launched a new service: editing of videos with subtitles in Italian or other languages.

The videos can be delivered in a file formats suitable for publication on the internet, YouTube and the various social networking sites.

Alternatively, they may be delivered as Direct links (embedded codes) for access from a PC or a smartphone, or as QR code to be downloaded, printed and conveniently viewed using last generation mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets, if enabled. There is also the option of inserting logos and symbols as required.

If you are interested and would like to know more, for example about how to create your own customised gallery of videos and multimedia content without revolutionising your website, feel free to get in touch with us for more information on the nature and costs of this new service and for customised quotes.

To have a better idea of what we do, just take a look at our videoclips below, or use the QR code o open the video directly on your smartphone or tablet, if enabled.

Original video Video with subtitles
Via Cairoli, 32   -   27029  Vigevano (PV)   -   C.F. e P.IVA  02420780187   -    Iscr. REA:  PV-271002