Our mission

Studio Trevisan has a forty-strong team of selected translators and interpreters, both internal and external, all of whom work in their own native languages and specific fields of expertise. Thanks to the recognised rapidity and precision of our services, even when processing large volumes of material, we have built up and continue to enjoy lasting professional relationships with important Italian and international clients.

Our goal is to help the world communicate.


Our philosophy

It is our firm belief that only professional and specially trained translators can guarantee the high level of quality now demanded by the Italian and international markets. At Studio Trevisan, internal staff members are trained in the language and terms used in areas of specialist knowledge, while external collaborators are constantly supported with materials and instruments tailored to single projects.

We have all the human resources, know-how, material and infrastructures needed to tackle even the most complex projects, from multi-language manuals to international conferences along with the relative support services.

Via Cairoli, 32   -   27029  Vigevano (PV)   -   C.F. e P.IVA  02420780187   -    Iscr. REA:  PV-271002